Bachelor’s Degree in Pharmacology

Professional Activity

This career is now closely linked to the health sector in private and public health institutions. However they are still maintained and the activities of professional practice in the industry are strengthened, specialty pharmacies or drugstores or clinics for the preparation of magisterial or officinal formulas. Currently the possibility opens for the independent practice as authorized third party (authorized party) in the assessment and verification of the quality of drugs marketed to health institutions.

Remains open the practice of chemical-clinical and / or association for private practice. The new requirements will make Pharmacy professionals have the opportunity to specialize in various fields of chemistry, pharmacy, biochemistry and pharmaceutical business, legal or forensic analysis. This is definitely one of the career with more future in Mexico and the world.

Candidate Profile

Candidates for the Bachelor’s Degree in Pharmacology should:

  1. Possess essential knowledge of the chemical and biological area, along with notions of humanistic and social fields.
  2. Make basic use of logical and mathematical tools as well as documentary research techniques; and should be skilled in reading and comprehension and use a well-structured verbal and written communication in Spanish language.
  3. Demonstrate that they are able to make decisions and interact academically.
  4. Possess certain knowledge of English language or preferably demonstrate literacy skills and translation of basic texts in English.
  5. Reflect primarily values in character, fairness, openness, tolerance; as well as a broad sense of responsibility and respect for life.
  6. Provision for service, autonomy in their decisions and stable personality, with manual skills, intellectual skills and communication.
  7. Aware of their needs for personal fulfillment and that these are an absolute priority in their life.
  8. Show special ability in the handling fragile instruments and laboratory equipment and complex machines and industrial installations.

Graduate Profile

Bachelor’s Degree in Pharmacology has three professional outlets:

  • Development and Production of Medicines
  • Clinical Biochemistry.
  • Social and Hospital Pharmacy

Responsibilities of the Social and Hospital Pharmacist:

  1. Is responsible for maintaining the supply of basic and supplementary or specialized drugs updated and with valid dates.
  2. Manages handling and logistics of drugs.
  3. Is trained for the preparation of master and medicinal formulas in accordance with the application and regulations.
  4. Dispense medications in closed care or unit doses.
  5. Dispensation to outpatient medication indicating relevant information for safe and effective use.
  6. Participates as a member of the health team in direct patient care and assisting in the clinical and therapeutic discussion sessions.
  7. Supervises and trains the staff working in the pharmacy.
  8. Develop and maintain a drug information system about medication, their properties and side effects.

Responsibilities of the Pharmacist in Clinical Biochemistry:

  1. Apply techniques and sampling methods for the processing requests for laboratory tests. Designs, maintains and certifies the quality of processes, their relevance and objectivity and accuracy and reliability.
  2. Designs, implements and validates analytical methods, applying the reliability and validity measures necessary to ensure a consistent, reliable and generalizable results.
  3. Manages the laboratory operation, warm and timely care to patients and ensuring the quality and accuracy of data. The logistics of reagents, preventive and corrective maintenance of equipment and machinery, and staff training.
  4. Evaluates and modifies appropriate techniques and procedures for sampling and handling, transportation, storage and processing.
  5. Process samples, interprets, validates and reports the results.
  6. Develop capacity, knowledge and skills for designing and implementing strategies aimed at elucidating process problems and solutions related to the tasks inherent to the work of research in the areas of interest and management.
  7. Has management skills to lead and administer a Clinical Biochemistry Laboratory with Security and Quality.

Responsibilities of the Medicine Development and Production Pharmacist:

  1. Designs, implements, maintains and validates the quality of the processes of the pharmaceutical industry.
  2. Design, implement and validate analytical methods to ensure the quality of medicines.
  3. Manages the operation of the laboratory quality control. The logistics of reagents, programs for preventive and corrective maintenance of equipment and machinery.
  4. Trains the personnel of the Pharmaceutical Industry.
  5. Process samples, interprets, validates and reports the results.
  6. Design strategies aimed at problem solving and process improvement in the pharmaceutical industry.
  7. Have management skills to lead and manage a pharmaceutical facility

Study Plan

Text Writing and comprehension
Introductory  to English Language
Basic English language
Pre Intermediate English Language
Intermediate English Language
Logic and Critical Thinking
Mathematics I
Research Methods and Techniques
Social and economic problems of Mexico
Maya language I
Maya Language II
Human ecology
Structure and Function  Molecular Level A
Structure and Function  Cellular Level A
Structure and Function of the tissue level A
Ethics Deontology
Pharmacology I
Pharmacology II
Pathophysiology and Nosology
Creation  and Diffusion  of Clinical Knowledge
History and Philosophy of Health Sciences
General chemistry
Public Health I
Information Technology and Human Communication
Quality Management in  Pharmacy


Analytic chemistry
Analytical Chemistry II
Pharmaceutical chemistry
Organic Chemistry I
Organic Chemistry II
Security and health at work
Identification and Evaluation System I
Identification and Evaluation Systems II
Optional subject
Optional subject
Optional subject

Pharmaceutical Care
Good Clinical Practice
Preclinical evaluation
Pharmacotherapy follow-up
Pharmaceutical administration
Distribution Systems
Clinical Biochemistry
Clinical Biochemistry In Surgery
Clinical Biochemistry in Gynecology and Obstetrics
Clinical Biochemistry in Medicine       Internal I
Clinical Biochemistry in Medicine      Internal II
Clinical Biochemistry in Pediatrics
Good Practices in Clinical Biochemistry

Analysis and Control of Medicines
